My Portfolio

Fictional Movie Poster for one of my class projects. I was given the name, date and actors names and told it was a Sci-fi Military movie. We had to come up with the design on our own.

DeVry University asked their students if they wanted to participate in creating a logo for their Career Week 2022. I wanted to take up the challenge.

Fictional Magazine Cover for one of my class projects. We were given the information however, we needed to change the position of the head, create a shadow, and play around with the typography and the movement path of the words being "said" from the mouth.

After creating the fictional movie poster, we needed to create a Facebook Ad. We were given the dimension's of the ad nothing else.

In one of my classes, we had to choose a non-profit organization to create a series of infographic's for social media.

In one of my classes, we had to choose a non-profit organization to create a series of infographic's for social media.

In one of my classes, we had to choose a non-profit organization to create a series of infographic's for social media.

In one of my classes, we had to choose a non-profit organization to create a series of infographic's for social media.

For one of my class projects, we had to create a billboard for a fictional company. We had to create the banner and add it to a picture of a billboard.

In one of my classes, I had to create an infographic on 9 tips to be successful in online courses.

JavaScript and jQuery

PHP and Databases

*to login, you can create your own credentials under the register page

Responsive Web Design

JavaScript and jQuery

Web Accessibility, PHP & Databases

*to login use username: password:test

We had to create a haiku and then make it animated and add sound. The quality of converting it to YouTube didn't come out so well.

We had to create an animated ad for a fictional company. Again the quality of the conversion didn't come out well.

We had to create a microsite for a fictional company. The animated microsite allows you to click on the buttons for a new window to open. In this video it is done quickly and doesn't do it justice due to the quality of the conversion.